Garretson Forge & Farm
Garretson Forge and Farm, listed on the National and New Jersey State Historic Registry, is one of the oldest historic sites in Bergen County, New Jersey. Settled in 1719, this Dutch Colonial homestead was home to six generations of the Garretson family. Their homestead remains a rare surviving example of a simple farming life that was prevalent in the 1700s and 1800s.
Guided Tours
Every second and fourth Sunday of the month, from March through November from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, docents give guided house and garden tours. For school visits and group tours at other times, please contact us at info@garretsonfarm.org. For other visiting hours please refer to our calendar page.
Upcoming Programs & Events at Garretson Forge & Farm

Spring Festival of Colonial Life in New Jersey
Saturday, May 10th from 10am-4pm
We welcome you to the Garretson Forge & Farm Spring Festival! Admission is free and we have many events planned for the day! No registration is required for this event. The day will include Homestead and garden tours; perennial plant and herb sale; children's activities; and costumed re-enactors.

Garden Volunteer Days
March 20 - November 9
Garden volunteer days are every Thursday starting on March 20 through November 9. Volunteer hours are 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and on Open House Sundays from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Open House Sundays
April 13- November 9
Guided tours of the homestead and gardens are available on the following dates from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. April 13 and 27; May 25; June 8 and 22; July 13 and 27; August 10 and 24; September 14 and 28; October 12 and 26; November 9 (last Open House of the year)

Seed Library
Join us to celebrate the 10th year of the Garretson Community Seed Library. We have received generous donations of heirloom and organic vegetable, herb, and flower seeds from Seed Savers Exchange, High Mowing Organic Seeds and Bakers Creek Seed Company and we offer them to the community for free. Start putting your 2025 gardening dreams into action!